Volunteer Benefits
Cascade appreciates the time, effort, and hard work of our volunteers. We show our gratitude with complementary ride registrations and membership, our annual volunteer party, classes, delicious food, thank yous, high fives, and more!
Redeem Your Hours!
Volunteers can redeem their hours for nearly everything you'd normally pay for at Cascade. Click through the options below for step-by-step instructions on how to redeem your hours for rewards.
Volunteers may also exchange hours for a Cascade membership.* Contact the Volunteer Coordinator with membership requests.
Individual membership - 12 hours, Family membership - 20 hours
To redeem a Cascade membership:
- Use the volunteer hours lookup tool at the top of this page to see if you have enough volunteer hours;
- Email the Volunteer Coordinator which membership type you would like;
- We will confirm your hours and credit your Cascade account with a year-long membership
Volunteers can exchange their volunteer hours for signature ride registrations. We always save spots for our volunteers, so please do not pay for rides online if you plan to use volunteer hours to register.
6 Hours
- Chilly Hilly
- Ride for Major Taylor
- Emerald City Ride
- Seattle Bike-n-Brews
- Woodinville Wine Ride
- Kitsap Color Classic
- Seattle Night Ride (when available)
21 Hours
- Flying Wheels
- All Cascade Tour Lites (limited to 5 volunteers per tour)
24 Hours
To redeem volunteer hours:
- Use the volunteer hours lookup tool at the top of this page to see if you have enough volunteer hours;
- Email the Volunteer Coordinator which ride you would like to register for;
- We will confirm your hours and send you a private link for free registration;
- After using the link to register, confirm your registration on your Dashboard (may take up to 30 minutes).
Volunteers can exchange their volunteer hours for Cascade riding and maintenance class registrations. Once you earn enough hours to unlock the registration code for one class type then you may register for and attend as many classes within that class type as you like. You can view all available classes and their descriptions on the Classes page.
10 Hours - Acoustic bicycle maintenance class type
- Fix-a-Flat
- Maintenance for Every Rider
- Chains & Derailleurs
- Brake System Maintenance
- Roadside Repair
- Women & Non-Binary Classes
14 Hours - Learn to Ride and Basic Cycling Techniques class type
- Learn to Ride
- Basic Cycling Techniques
18 Hours - Urban Cycling Techniques class type
- Urban Cycling Techniques
To redeem volunteer hours:
- Use the volunteer hours lookup tool at the top of this page to see if you have enough volunteer hours;
- Email the Volunteer Coordinator which class type you would like to unlock registrations for;
- We will confirm your hours and send you a private link that will let you register for all classes within that type;
- After using the link to register, confirm your registration on your Dashboard (may take up to 30 minutes).
Up to 40% off any order from Showers Pass rainy weather riding gear
To redeem your volunteer discount:
- Email the Volunteer Coordinator to redeem 4 hours from your usable hours balance;
- The Volunteer Coordinator will send you the application form.
20% off any order from Burley bike trailers for Pedaling Relief Project volunteers
To redeem volunteer discount:
- Email the Volunteer Coordinator and they will send you the code.
$250 off any Propella E-bike
To redeem volunteer discount:
- Email the Volunteer Coordinator which discount you would like the code for;
- We will confirm that you are an active volunteer and then email you the code / link fo the discount!
If you have excess hours and want to help a fellow volunteer register for an event, you can transfer them to their profile! There are some requirements:
The volunteer sending hours must have enough volunteer hours (this excludes Ride Leader credits) to transfer. There is no minimum/maximum number of hours you can transfer.
The volunteer receiving hours must be an active volunteer (volunteered at least once in the past two years). They must also have an active volunteer profile with a record of this volunteer activity.
If both of these requirements are met, email volunteer@cascade.org with the requestor and receivers': first and last names, email addresses as they appear in their volunteer profiles, and the number of hours to be transferred.
Refund Policy
If you find that you are unable to attend an event that you redeemed your hours for, you may request a refund by emailing volunteer@cascade.org.
- Single-Day Events: A full refund will be granted if requested at least 72 hours before the day of the event.
- Multi-Day Events: A full refund will be granted if requested at least 30 days before the day of the event.
No partial refunds will be given. Add-on purchases made during registration follow the standard add-on Refund Policy. Medical deferrals and registration transfers are not eligible for registrations made using volunteer hours.