The Latest From The Saddle


Growing the STP Community with Bike Works, Ampersand, Asha, Ride for the Philippines and Gruppetto
- Cascade is partnering with bike clubs and nonprofits whose missions align with ours to increase inclusion and belonging on the 2024 Kaiser Permanente Seattle to Portland presented by Alaska Airlines.
- Partners include Ampersand Bikes Club, Asha for Education, Foundation for Philippine Progress, Bike Works, and Gruppetto Cycling.

Paul Tolmé
13 Jun 2024

Thank You for Biking Everywhere! Now Let’s Speak up for Biking
- Bike Everywhere Day (May 17) was a huge success. Smiling people pedaled to our Celebration Stations in Seattle, Redmond, West Seattle and across Washington state in celebration of Bike Everywhere Month presented by Microsoft.
- Now we must turn pedal power into political power. Join me at Seattle City Hall on June 4 and tell the City Council that bike infrastructure is fundamental to our transportation future.

Tyler Vasquez
30 May 2024

Wheels in the Wheatlands: a Walla Walla Bike Tour Photo Album
- 200 people joined Cascade for three days of bicycling, socializing, exploration, and wine tasting amidst the rolling hills, lush vineyards, and windswept wheatlands of southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon.
- Scroll through our Walla Walla Tour photo album to see the big smiles, blue skies, and verdant landscapes of Walla Walla country in springtime.

Paul Tolmé
22 May 2024

The Seattle Transportation Levy: Join us at council hearings to advocate for safe biking
- Together, our advocacy added bike investments totalling $114 million in the Mayor's Proposed Levy. We need to secure the $114 million and push for more.
- The City Council now has 6 weeks to finalize the proposal before voting it onto the November Seattle ballot for voters to get their say. Sign up to join us at upcoming public hearing dates on the Seattle Transportation Levy to make sure Council knows biking investments matter and should not be cut.
- Read below for a reminder of where Council members stood on biking when they were on the campaign trail last year. (hint: they all said they support biking)

Tyler Vasquez
16 May 2024

Touring Tacoma on the Water Flume Line Trail
- The 2.5-mile Water Flume Line Trail stretches from 40th St to 80th in South Tacoma, passing many hidden gems along the way.
- Take a ride on the trail with South Tacoma resident Sara Kiesler to discover hiking trails, public playgrounds, and food choices galore.

Sara Kiesler
15 May 2024

Dogs on the Bridge! An Emerald City Ride Photo Album
- 3,000 humans and a dog named Sprout biked over the West Seattle Bridge during Cascade's Emerald City Ride supported by Western WA Honda Dealers on May 5.
- Check out our photos of the happy riders–and good dogs–who joined us for this unique opportunity to pedal car-free over one of Seattle's most iconic highway bridges.

Paul Tolmé
14 May 2024
Ride and Celebrate with Us During Bike Everywhere Month
- May is Bike Everywhere Month presented by Microsoft and we have a full calendar of events and rides for you!
- Rescue food, explore rail trails, bike to the Sounders (and park free), commute by bike, smash free donuts, and watch a new bicycling documentary.

Paul Tolmé
2 May 2024

Riding STP Meat-Free, and in One Day with Family
- STP Ambassador Bee Fischer is training for her first STP by bike commuting and cross-training–powered by plants.
- Ambassador Tai Shih is training with his parents for STP in one day–at age 13.

Paul Tolmé
26 Apr 2024

Our 2024 STP Ambassadors Ride to Inspire
- Kevin Frias is an Afro-Latino bicycling influencer who wants to make the face of the outdoors a shade darker.
- Neil Parkinson-Dow flies a rainbow maple leaf flag to represent and encourage our Canadian friends to pedal south.

Paul Tolmé
18 Apr 2024

Proposed Seattle Transportation Levy is a Good Start–Let’s Boost it!
- Cascade Bicycle Club is urging the mayor to boost the Seattle Transportation Levy by $20 million to fund the South Seattle bike network.
- Voice your support by April 26 for a Transportation Levy that connects Seattle by bike.

Tyler Vasquez
18 Apr 2024

Complimentary Bike Parking at 14 Sounders Games in 2024
- Cascade will provide complimentary bike parking at 14 Seattle Sounders home games starting on April 20–Earth Day.
- Why endure a frustrating drive and expensive parking when you can pedal to Lumen Field and drop off your bike in our secure corral?

Paul Tolmé
8 Apr 2024

Promoting Inclusivity with Income-Based Sliding Scale Pricing
- Cascade has introduced sliding scale pricing for maintenance and riding classes, the Ride for Major Taylor, and last year's Auction.
- Our goal is to enable more people to learn, ride, and join our growing bicycling community.
- Individuals with lower incomes can pay less, and those with higher incomes can pay more.

Paul Tolmé
2 Apr 2024

Orondo Students Earn New Bikes as Bike Education Expands Statewide
- 19 Orondo fifth graders are the first students to earn their own bicycles from Washington’s statewide bike education expansion being implemented by Cascade.
- We attended a joyous community celebration at Orondo Elementary where students, families, and educators celebrated the launch of Washington’s Earn-a-Bike initiative.
- Earn-a-Bike and Let’s Go Across the State are funded by the Climate Commitment Act.

Paul Tolmé
20 Mar 2024

Pedal Car-Free Over the West Seattle Bridge on May 5!
- Cascade Bicycle Club’s historic Emerald City Ride returns on May 5, offering people the special opportunity to bike over Seattle’s most infamous highway bridge car-free.
- The Emerald City Ride supported by Western Washington Honda Dealers will be one of the most unique and beautiful big group rides of 2024.

Paul Tolmé
11 Mar 2024