Oct. 6

Ride the 30th Annual Kitsap Color Classic
Pedal along the gorgeous Kitsap Peninsula and through some of the best riding country in the state!
Historic Port Gamble is a highlight of the Kitsap Color Classic.
An image of Steve Hulsman riding his bicycle

Free Group Ride

Event has already happened.


Steve Hulsman Memorial Gathering & Ride

14.10 mi. West Seattle
Riders zoom along a multi-use trail next to a river and a line of tall trees.

Single Day Ride

Registrations are closed


370 ft. 20.00 mi.
A person bikes past beautiful Lake Chelan and the rolling hills

Multiday Tour

Registration Now Open


12,354 ft. 154.00 mi.
The 2024 Bike Walk Roll Summit, Safe Streets for Everybody, is almost sold out

Community Event

Registration Now Open


Free Group Rides

Free Group Rides are available 365 days a year, and our certified ride leaders offer a variety of locations, paces, and terrains for you to ride across the Puget Sound region.

  • Many pace options
  • Terrains of all kinds
  • All over the Puget Sound area
  • Every day
Kid with helmet on a scooter with dad on bike.

Support Our Work

Your support enables us to continue advocating for trails and policies that make our city streets safer; ensures community rides are accessible and affordable; and allows us to educate youth and adults through low-cost classes about how to ride and maintain their bikes.

Join the club! Become a member today and save on rides, classes, and more.

Become a Member

Cascade’s membership unlocks adventure, community, and advocacy for a better bicycling world. Become a member today and connect with 9,500 members! Get discounts on rides and classes, as well as access to an early, member-only registration for our biggest rides.

MLK Jr. Way is now safe to bike

Go Ride the MLK Protected Bike Lanes–and Keep Seattle Moving by Bike

  • Cascade has joined the coalition to Keep Seattle Moving, which seeks to win voter support for Proposition 1 and its $133.5 million in critical bike infrastructure funding.
  • Keep Seattle Moving is the new name for the Seattle Transportation Levy that will appear as Proposition 1 on November ballots.
  • Join us as we bike from downtown to the new MLK Jr. Way protected bike lanes to Columbia City to learn how Seattle Transportation Levy dollars create safer bike routes.  
Riding my electric cargo bike is my favorite thing

Paul Tolmé

5 Sep 2024
No On 2117 -- A Bad Deal for WA

Vote No on I-2117 If You Love Bikes and Trails

  • I-2117 would put billions of investments in bicycle and pedestrian projects at risk in every corner of our state. 
  • It would cut funding that makes bicycling and active transportation more accessible to kids.
  • It would also mean more air pollution across our state and rollback programs that help make communities less vulnerable to wildfires.
Sara Kiesler

Sara Kiesler

3 Sep 2024
Wearing their sweet RSVP jerseys

Soggy Start, Sunny Finish: RSVP 2024 Photo Album

  • 1,600 people participated in our Ride from Seattle to Vancouver and Party supported by Western Washington Honda Dealers on Aug. 24 and 25.
  • Saturday morning rains whetted our riders' appetites for the sunshine and parties that awaited in Bellingham and Vancouver.  
Riding my electric cargo bike is my favorite thing

Paul Tolmé

3 Sep 2024