Proposed Seattle Transportation Levy is a Good Start–Let’s Boost it!

  • Cascade Bicycle Club is urging the mayor to boost the Seattle Transportation Levy by $20 million to fund the South Seattle bike network. 
  • Voice your support by April 26 for a Transportation Levy that connects Seattle by bike.

New Seattle Policy Manager Outlines 2024 Bike Advocacy Priorities

  • New Seattle Policy Manager Tyler Vasquez is a seven-time STP finisher with a background in active transportation policy.
  • His job is to advance Cascade’s top Seattle priorities, which include completing protected bike routes in SODO and District One–and building support for a bold Seattle Transportation Plan and Levy.
  • We took a spin with Vasquez to see some of his past infrastructure projects, and learn how growing up in Southeast San Diego influences his work to improve bicycling for all.

Paving a Path Forward: Top Seattle Bike Wins of 2023–and our 2024 Action Plan

  • Paving over the Ballard railroad tracks and finishing the Duwamish Trail are among the 2023 wins that were small in mileage but big in impact.
  • The good news: 12 more miles of bike lanes are coming to Seattle in 2024.
  • Now we must push a bold Seattle Transportation Levy that paves the way for a more bikeable city in the decade to come.

Lessons from a Week Without Driving: Planning for Transit Takes Time

Can You Go a Week Without Driving? Join the Challenge Oct. 2-8

Attend Our Voter Forums to Learn Where Seattle City Council Candidates Stand on Mobility Issues

Pedaling Relief Project Milestone: One Million Pounds of Food and Goods Delivered by Bike

A Win for the Duwamish Trail, Progress on the Seattle Bike Network

Speak Up for Safer Bicycling in the Seattle Transportation Plan

City of Seattle: Thanks for the Temporary Bike Lanes, Let’s Make Them Permanent

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