Proposed Seattle Transportation Levy is a Good Start–Let’s Boost it!
Cascade Bicycle Club is urging the mayor to boost the Seattle Transportation Levy by $20 million to fund the South Seattle bike network.
Voice your support by April 26 for a Transportation Levy that connects Seattle by bike.
New Seattle Policy Manager Outlines 2024 Bike Advocacy Priorities
New Seattle Policy Manager Tyler Vasquez is a seven-time STP finisher with a background in active transportation policy.
His job is to advance Cascade’s top Seattle priorities, which include completing protected bike routes in SODO and District One–and building support for a bold Seattle Transportation Plan and Levy.
We took a spin with Vasquez to see some of his past infrastructure projects, and learn how growing up in Southeast San Diego influences his work to improve bicycling for all.
Paving a Path Forward: Top Seattle Bike Wins of 2023–and our 2024 Action Plan
Paving over the Ballard railroad tracks and finishing the Duwamish Trail are among the 2023 wins that were small in mileage but big in impact.
The good news: 12 more miles of bike lanes are coming to Seattle in 2024.
Now we must push a bold Seattle Transportation Levy that paves the way for a more bikeable city in the decade to come.
Lessons from a Week Without Driving: Planning for Transit Takes Time
Can You Go a Week Without Driving? Join the Challenge Oct. 2-8
Attend Our Voter Forums to Learn Where Seattle City Council Candidates Stand on Mobility Issues
Pedaling Relief Project Milestone: One Million Pounds of Food and Goods Delivered by Bike
A Win for the Duwamish Trail, Progress on the Seattle Bike Network
Speak Up for Safer Bicycling in the Seattle Transportation Plan
City of Seattle: Thanks for the Temporary Bike Lanes, Let’s Make Them Permanent