Bike count volunteers still needed for cities statewide, can we count on you?

Cascade is still looking for volunteers for the annual Washington State Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project. With nearly 40 count locations,  performing the counts requires help from 500 volunteers. We can't do it without YOU! The counts will take place on October 1, 2 and 3 with two-hour shifts in either the morning or evening. Sign up today to volunteer!

To register:
1. Go to
2. Click the link for the volunteer registration tool.
3. Scroll down on the list of opportunities to find a city near you.
4. Click the registration button at the bottom. You may need to create a profile if you have never volunteered with Cascade before.
5. Login and then check the location and count time you want to register for.
6. Click Complete Registration.
7. Download and print the count forms to bring with you day-of. 

Please Note: the website only allows you to sign up for count shifts on October 3; however you can choose to conduct your count on any of the three dates (October 1, 2 or 3). Please just indicate the date you choose on your count form.

Learn more about the statewide bike and pedestrian counts here.

Contact Ryann at with questions about volunteering.

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