Join Cascade at a South Snohomish County Bike Business Forum

We've said it before and we'll say it again: bicycling can be great for business.
Employees who bike commute are healthier, happier and more productive those who commute by car. Customers who travel by bicycle contribute significantly to the economy by shopping more frequently and spending more money, but they do not contribute to traffic or parking congestion. Earlier this year, Cascade Bicycle Club was awarded a multi-year grant from the Verdant Health Commission to increase bicycling – and bicycling’s associated health and business benefits - in South Snohomish County. Our vision: people in South Snohomish County will ride bikes more often as part of a healthy, active lifestyle; community leaders will work to make bicycling safer and more convenient; and kids will build healthy, active futures. And your business or employer can be a part of it. Less than one percent of Snohomish County residents ride a bike to work. Businesses not only play a key role in increasing bike commuting, but business leadership for bicycle improvements in a community can bring results. Amazon, as a recent high-profile example, is building a protected bike lane on Seventh Avenue in downtown Seattle and installing over 400 bike parking spaces in each of its new developments. The company’s investment in a safe connection for employees who bicycle is raising the stakes for how the business community can increase bicycling as well as setting the standard for safe infrastructure in downtown. But leadership doesn't have to be extreme. Cascade is hosting a special session of our Bike Business Forum, an alliance of businesses and business leaders united in a shared goal of increasing bicycling among their employees, customers and communities, in South Snohomish County.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about our work in the area and for Snohomish County workplaces to network with other bike-friendly business leaders. Join Us: South Snohomish County Bike Business Forum DATE: Thursday, September 12 TIME: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm LOCATION: Swedish/Edmonds Hospital, 3rd Floor Conference Rm. Please R.S.V.P. here if you would like to attend>> We look forward to working together to make South Snohomish County a better place to live, work, do business and of course, bicycle.

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