Bike industry rides in to town

Mayor McGinn speaks about the state of cycling in Seattle to industry leaders.
Mayor McGinn speaks about the state of cycling in Seattle to industry leaders.

Mayor McGinn speaks to bike industry leaders about the state of cycling in Seattle.

Leaders from Raleigh (including CEO Steve Meineke), REI, Recycled Cycles and Bicycle Retailer and Industry News (BRAIN) converged in our neck of the woods last week for a tour of Seattle. Cascade went along for the ride. While the tour took us to REI, local shops and eventually to Cascade's offices for snacks and a presentation, we started the day with Mayor Mike McGinn. As bike industry folk gathered in a drizzle at the Fremont bridge, the mayor casually pulled up on his way to work, talked about the importance of making solid investments in bicycling infrastructure and then chatted with us on the way to City Hall. Marc Sani from BRAIN wrote about the ride with the mayor here.

The takeaway, aside from a good time with good people (on good bikes)? There are local and national bike industry leaders who are increasingly interested in engaging in more than just selling bikes.  Many of them get how getting and staying involved will help transform communities to be healthier, more connected and better places to live.

We look forward to seeing them again soon!

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