Training the Trainers

Cascade’s Commute Department teaches dozens of workplace classes each year, giving hundreds of employees the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to ride to work.   Just like you are at the workplace, we’re dedicated to professionalism.  Our instructors are always certified League Cycling Instructors (LCIs), licensed by the League of American Bicyclists. While I've appreciated the skills and know-how that go into describing lane position, taking groups of new riders onto city streets, or demonstrating basic bike maintenance, I wondered: what’s behind the curtain—how do they instruct instructors?  Is it a useful standard?  And would I be able to make the grade? I decided to find out.  We do have a team of instructors here at Cascade, but I signed up for an LCI course to earn my instructor wings.
Over the course of a full weekend—all of Friday evening and most of the daylight hours of Saturday and Sunday—I learned from fellow instructors-to-be and our trainers (including the regional coach, Hal Ballard, and our very own Robin Randels and Michael Snyder).   And then I put things to the test on the road, in the parking lot and at the front of the class giving teaching demonstrations. Did I pass the test—and did the training stack up to my expectations?  Well, yes.  I gained a stronger appreciation for what goes into our classes: a load of creative prep, attention to learning styles, and many on-bike drills and demonstrations that’ll improve any rider’s abilities.  And, of course, I’m excited that all staff in the Commute Department (3 of us) are now professionally certified. Spring is a busy time for our department.  Learn what free classes we're teaching.  Schedule a class today at your workplace before our calendar fills up.  And join us on the road to a safer, more connected bike community.

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