After 30 years and 157,000 miles, Jerry says goodbye to his trusty steed


Jerry Schmidt, one of Cascade’s longtime volunteers and members, lost a longtime friend last month when his trusty Univega bike finally gave up. After 30 years and more than 157,000 miles, the bike broke irrevocably.


R.I.P Jerry’s bike.

Jerry’s bike was a trusty steed, supporting him for 14 years of commuting to work, a 2,500-mile-trip to Michigan for his high school reunion, several STPs and RSVPs, plus many rides around the Seattle area.

Together they saw many good days and when the bike reached 100,000 miles, Jerry and his family threw a party.

But there were bad days as well.

Over the years, there were some tumbles. Jerry suffered a punctured lung, a separated shoulder, a broken collarbone and six broken ribs. His bike meanwhile saw many flat tires, scratches and dings. A lot of tires, spokes and rims were burned through, and many parts had to be upgraded. But together they journeyed on.

Until a few weeks ago...

Jerry’s bike suffered a fatal break in the frame – the only original part left.

We’re sorry to hear of your loss, Jerry. We hope your next bike will carry you for another 30 years.

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