Hey you with the new blinky lights!



Guest Blogger: Mary Remoaldo

Layer up, attach those new blinky lights you got for Christmas, and join Alexa Volwiler for a brisk-paced ride in Bellevue starting at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 26.

South Bellevue Park and Ride is the starting point for this 22-mile evening ride in search of the best holiday lights in area neighborhoods.

It’s a hilly ride, so we suggest you DO eat that extra serving of Christmas pudding!  Front and rear lights are required.  Steady rain cancels. If it's snowing and you want to show off those studded bike tires from Santa, we’ll all oooh and ahhh, but we still won’t ride.

Looking for more riding opportunities?  All Cascade free daily rides are published online.  Everyone is welcome, but if you’re new, please read through our information for newcomers and parents.

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