Trail safety campaign reminds users to share and be aware


We were out on the Burke-Gilman Trail in the U District yesterday afternoon to see how people are interacting with our summertime trail safety campaign signs and on-trail stenciling. 


With messages such as “Slow down and give more space”, “Bring your furry friend closer” and “Free your ears”, the campaign features a series of friendly reminders to be a respectful trail user.

The Burke-Gilman is a multi-use trail, and to avoid incidents and conflict, we’re urging people to slow down, be aware and simply look out for each other.

“I think they’re pretty, for one. It’s a nice design and I agree with all of the messages. It’s a nice idea,” said an UW employee who bike-commutes daily from West Seattle.

The signs are part of a pilot program, and we wanted to hear from you what other messages you want to share with your fellow trail users.

“'Three is too many,'” said a bike commuter of 30 years. “People really shouldn’t walk three abreast.”

“Don’t text while you’re walking,” suggested a walker who also frequently bikes on the trail. “In fact, get off your phone altogether when you’re on the trail.”


“Don’t pass without calling out,” added another walker. “I walk this trail multiple times a day, and I’ve been hit once. There’s room for everyone.  Slow down!”

Other passerby expressed concerns about inconsistent signage, lack of enforced speed limits, and trail conditions. Some even preferred to see the trail be split in lanes, separating the bicyclists from the pedestrians.

While our Bicycle Ambassadors offered to pump people’s bike tires and handed out Seattle bike maps, we observed a high number of bicyclists zipping by with dual headphones in who couldn't hear what we were saying.

KOMO News also stopped by yesterday. See their coverage, here.

The messages will be posted throughout Seattle this summer so be on the lookout. Our next Energizer Station is slated for Sunday, July 29 at Log Boom Park in Kenmore, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In the meantime, leave your suggestions for more signs in the comment section below.

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