Washington Bike, Walk, Roll Summit
Save the Date: Washington Bike Walk Roll Summit Returns Sept 12-13, 2024
The Bike Walk Roll Summit is back! After several years of virtual summit offerings, we are excited to return to an in-person Summit this year. Join us in Tacoma, WA from September 12-13. Registration for the Summit is open today.
Our Summit theme this year is “Safe Streets for Everybody.” Safety is the number one barrier to more people walking and biking. Safety is an important lens through which to view street improvements. Between policies like Vision Zero, the Safe Systems Approach, and new funding from the federal and state governments, this is a rapidly evolving area, ripe for exploration over our two-day summit.
Attend to tap into new best practice guidelines, resources on new dollars available, and to hear from peers about how communities in Washington and beyond are centering safety outcomes to build safe and accessible communities for everyone who bikes, walks, and rolls. Come learn and be inspired with us!
What is the Summit and Who Should Attend?
The Bike, Walk, Roll Summit is a two-day event that brings together people from all around Washington who are engaged in making our state the top bike, walk, and roll friendly state in the nation. During the Summit, we host mobile workshops, panels, experiential learning forums, and collaborative spaces for people who want to see biking, walking, and rolling as an accessible, safe way to get around our communities. The content is intended to inspire, educate, and inform elected officials, community advocates, planners and engineers, and more!
Get Involved!
We will be releasing a call for proposals in March for interested parties to pitch their ideas and work to present at the Summit. We will prioritize ideas related to our Summit theme of “Safe Streets for Everybody”, and from voices historically underrepresented and underserved in bike advocacy and transportation planning.
We are actively seeking sponsors for the 2024 Summit! If you would like to learn more about sponsoring the Summit please contact Connie Stark, Director of Partnerships at connies @ cascade dot org.
View the registration page to see scholarships and discounts to ensure that cost is not a barrier to attendance and in service of ensuring attendance from people from many backgrounds and geographic locations.